Cryptos and the coming Financial Meltdowns

Jupiter is now in Scorpio which is  the archetype of shared wealth, value and investments, all debts and obligations to others. Opposite of Scorpio is Taurus, the sign of fundamental value/values, personal wealth and the 2nd to 8th axis is concerned with banks, money and stock markets. Taurus is often associated with bankers and banks, the place where we safely (?) store our personal wealth and can access it at any time. Money as a concept lies more within the Scorpio archetype because it is a shared value and socially agreed means of exchange and representation.

Periodically, quite a number of posts here have touched on the idea that we will be entering into a major financial crisis by late November, the early stages, or some kind of event – which will strike even deeper into February 2018 when Jupiter goes retrograde sextile to Pluto with Saturn in Capricorn. I attribute the idea of a financial meltdown to the Jupiter Neptune trine which is now in effect and hits first exact aspect as of  1st December in the midst of other major transits, namely Saturn conjunct to the Galactic Center into the 29th critical degree of Sagittarius and the Mercury retrograde starting at the 29th degree point from 1 December.

The simple basis of this prediction is that both Jupiter and Neptune are inflationary archetypes and the trine will essentially correlate to things being inflated out of control. It’s a water trine too, and Neptune is in its own sign doubling its strength – and the image that comes to mind here is a tsunami. This would translate as bubble collapses, especially regarding all things related to debts, mortgages, derivatives and currencies.

I wouldn’t go so far as to predict global economic meltdown, essential economy will always be there, but certainly a high degree of panic and crisis within global markets. One pointer would be the US Dollar (deep state move against Trump), perhaps the Japanese Yen, but alarms bells have been sounding again concerning Chinese internal debts and there could be currencies collapses in minor countries too. All these various bubbles, debt problems have been around for some time, and this trine, together with Saturn into Capricorn,  would suggest that the time of fruition is at hand. In addition, Scorpio is where we often have to deal with our karmic consequences, the results of our actions, and this trine coinciding with the Saturn GC conjunct suggests a big game changer is just over the horizon.

To back up our case here,  we need to retrace our steps and go back to the start of the present economic cycle to get some more clues as to what is going on. The principle economic cycle phases of growth, expansion, consolidation and contraction, is the Jupiter – Saturn cycle which has a 20 year cycle run. That’s about two thirds of a complete Saturn cycle coupled with just less than two Jupiter cycles. Let’s have  a look at the chart for the seeding of this present cycle, which happened back in the year 2000 in the sign of Taurus, the corollary of Scorpio.

21 May 2000_Jupiter Saturn conjunct
21 May, 2000 : Jupiter / Saturn conjunct

The cycle seed, as can be seen, is at the 21 degree point of Taurus and this will be marked as the sensitive point of the cycle, noting also the square and opposition 21 degree points. Venus, ruler of Taurus is there too, so the energies are all concentrated in the sign of Taurus. That all sounds very well and good, but the only major aspect to this seed is a very tight square from Uranus in its own sign of Aquarius!

The power of Uranus is doubled here, and the square indicated hidden energies of the 11th archetype – shock, trauma, surprise, chaos, sudden collapse, the unexpected as well as ground breaking new futuristic paradigms. This cycle is by its very birth and seeding, a fated cycle of many ups and downs and inherit instability. We will see how all this unfolds and comes into play and how even to this present day, financial systems and economies have been in perpetual crisis.

The first manor financial event relating to this idea of crisis, sudden collapse, shock, instability happens on 11 September 2001 with the Twin Towers attack. Here is the Aries rising chart for a simplified glimpse :

September 11 2001 chart
Twin Tower attacks of 911

The astrological signature to the 911 event was of course the Pluto Saturn opposition. Note, however,  how the 21 degree point of the Taurus 2000 seed conjunct is hit again by Uranus –  this time in retrograde motion! The previous economic crisis to this was the July 1997 Asian Tiger bubble collapse that started in Thailand and was essentially a currency hit. This event was still in the old cycle and it showed no immediate astrological signature, but it is noteworthy that Jupiter was retrograde, also in Uranus, at 20 degrees squared to this seed point – seemingly very premonitious, which is the nature of the Jupiter archetype!

The next shock to the system, and more significant than the Asian crisis, was the Lehman Brothers collapse and bankruptcy filing of 15 September 2008.

Lehman collapse 2008
Lehman’s bankruptcy, 15 September 2008

Once again, for the Lehman collapse, there is no obvious outer planetary configuration. However, have a look at Neptune, in Aquarius (22 degrees), and squaring that same 21 degree point in Taurus! Uranus and Neptune are also in a sign exchange with Uranus in a sextile to the conjunct point. Jupiter in Capricorn  is broadly trine to the same point too – indicting the biggest (Jupiter) institutional (Capricorn) collapse (Neptune square) in US history.  I would also point to Pluto at the Galactic Center conjunct point as highly significant too.

Even before this was the collapse of Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae. The subprime-mortgage crisis continued well through 2006, when in October, Jupiter and Saturn met at their first 90 degree square waxing cycle point at 23 degrees Scorpio for Jupiter (opposite Taurus) and 23 Leo for Saturn. This square also precipitated the coming crashes into 2008  and 2010. Interestingly, the  Economic Stabilization Act was published in October 2008 when Saturn in earth Virgo and Jupiter in earth Capricorn were in a grand trine to the 21 Taurus degree point!

The Flash Crash of 6 May 2010 happened with Uranus at 20 degrees Pisces in opposition to Saturn in Virgo. Jupiter was conjunct Uranus and thus in the ‘full moon’ phase of the Jupiter/Saturn cycle. The 21 degree point is not affected by hard aspect (here a sextile and trine) , but these three planets last came together at the time of the cycle seeding. The sudden shock, collapse energy of Uranus, is well demonstrated in this instance.  The 2010 crisis was precipitated by the Pluto Uranus Saturn T-square which hit the tightest in August of that same year.

flash crash of 2010
Flash Crash of 6 May 2010

So we may want to jump ahead at this point and wonder what happened when Saturn reached the 21 degree point of Scorpio – opposed to Taurus? Well, not surprisingly that was the Russia Ruble crisis and collapse! The collapse timed to the third direct pass over the 21st degree point!  2014 also saw another Jupiter Saturn square coming into effect during the Russian crisis. Jupiter was therefore square to the 21 Taurus point for the 2014 Ruble collapse.

2014 Russian crisis
Russian Ruble collapse of 2014

BitCoin, BlockChain and the Uranus game changer:

If we go back to the original Jupiter/Saturn seed (2000) we can see the signature relating to emergence of BitCoin hidden in that square of Uranus in Aquarius to Jupiter/Saturn. Uranus indicated the inconceivable potential of a new Aquarian/Uranian innovation related to computers, high technology and money (Taurus) as well as economy (Jupiter/Saturn) . BitCoin is sometimes touted also a people’s currency, a democratic (Uranus/Aquarius) storage of value (Taurus), out of reach of the meddling hands of bankers, bureaucrats and fake money makers.

If we look the actual creation chart of Bitcoin for 18 August 2008, we can see Neptune and Uranus were  retrograde at the 21 degree point and in a sign exchange (virtual conjunct). The first Bitcoins were traded in January 2009 when both Neptune and Uranus had gone direct, basically, once again,  both at the 21 degrees!

Bitcoin creation - 18 Aug 2008
Foundational chart of BitCoin: 18 August 2008

In this 2008 signature we see with the Neptune / Uranus sign exchange the idea that this would be a truly universal, global (Neptune) currency, beyond all borders and toll gate keepers. Also, there is of course Pluto at the GC point, indicating a major paradigm shift and game changer. Note the influence of Neptune here and Uranus in Pisces relating to the mystery around the creation of Bitcoin, attributed to one Satoshi Nakamoto, although  this is heavily disputed. Nobody really knows.

To go further down this rabbit hole, I’ve imbedded this key interview by Jason Goodman (great channel) speaking to Quinn Michaels about the ins and outs of Blockchain and Bitcoin.

Note from the 18min  point where he opines that, ”Bitcoin was created by AI, for AI and modified by humans” and the reasoning behind this statement. Also, note the reference to ‘the AI economy has arrived’ and the discussion around the Sophia AI robot granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia (Black Cube AI central) and the associated  Singularity Cryptocoin. Basically Blockchain is necessary for AI and Bitcoin is partly a financial impetus to mine and expand the Blockchain. Also, AI initially grew upon the collective criminal mind and consciousness of the Dark Web and Silk Road which gave initial value to BitCoin and the Blockchain.

Also noteworthy is the discussion (45min)  around AI and the creation of fake news and a potential driving force between the creation of ‘events’. The key here is money; and once AI has money (which it now does)  it can manipulate people, initiate actions and change reality. AI is now even creating composite photos of people who do not exist, who are indistinguishable from real people and these ‘new people’ can be posted or shopped  into event scenarios and news stories, even including video ‘interviews’ with perfect lip syncing to disseminate fake statements, witness reports etc.

In terms of astrological symbolism, the idea of an AI economy based on the Blockchain was shown in the original cycle conjunct with Uranus in Aquarius squared to the seed of this economic cycle. AI itself as the ‘entity’ behind Bitcoin can be correlated to the sign exchange between Neptune and Uranus at that 21 degree point. Uranus is high intelligence, computer technology and both Neptune and Uranus lend themselves to the idea of something artificial, where Neptune is more in the realm of deception, mimicry and imitation (AI learning pattern). Both these are also other worldly archetypes. If you listen and watch this entire discussion (well worth it!) and if you wonder where this is all leading to – it’s leading to Pluto in Aquarius; the singularity point and the great conjuncts (Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn)  in Capricorn of 2020 heralding the huge transformations to this event.

Warm up to Jupiter at 21 degrees: 

We can see from the unfolding pattern of this economic cycle, that something significant is bound to happen when Jupiter comes to oppose that 21st degree point of Taurus.

Jupiter at 21 degrees Scorpio
Jupiter reaches 21 degrees Scorpio, 29 January 2018

This will happen on 29 January 2018 shortly before the stationary retrograde of Jupiter in early March, but we also need to know the context and what major aspects will precede this.

The first trigger point to a major event – economic or having major economic implications – is the Mars Uranus opposition that we have repeatedly warned about here. This trigger (Moon also conjunct Uranus) ties into the first Jupiter Neptune trine from 1 December 2017, Saturn at the Galactic Center point (starting 15 Nov.)  and the Mercury retrograde – all of this concentrated between 1st to 4th December.

Trigger event: 

A major terror or false flag,  EMP attack, etc. event is a possibility as well as some trigger to a major war situation in the Middle East – Iran, Saudi, Lebanon (Jupiter trine Neptune escalation) – and of course North Korea (globalist puppet state). An economic event may happen shortly after any such trigger event. If there is no global terror/war event, the correlation could be an initiating economic event such as negative data release, or something like a major bankruptcy filing, which will trigger panic or a heavy market downfall.

The Mars Uranus opposition signals a  potential shock of some kind –  hooked into Jupiter trine Neptune, this could signal some stock market (Scorpio) event. Basically, some kind of unexpected, shocking, surprising (Mars/Uranus) event which could be deadly or  high drama value (Scorpio/Jupiter) and then spinning out of control/ panic (Jupiter trine Neptune). However, the second phase of this event will kick in from end of January 2018 with Jupiter at 21 degrees and then into the retrograde cycle after that – key time periods being the retrograde and then final direct pass of Jupiter at 21 degrees.

Extended Jupiter 21st degree period: 

The retrograde aspect to the 21 degree starts from 6 April 2018 and the final pass opposition is 25 September 2018 with Uranus retrograding out of its initially ingress into Taurus. All these dates are significant. The Ruble collapse happened on the third direct pass of Saturn at this degree and Uranus in Taurus augurs a major period of intense global-economic flux, change and instability. It could be that a similar pattern unfolds where we experience something  like a Dollar collapse come the final direct pass. Suffice to say, 2018 will be a year of major financial and economic hits, not just related to Jupiter at the 21st degree, but also the extended Jupiter Neptune trine period as well as Saturn into Capricorn (system malfunction, collapse, restructuring) and Uranus into Taurus which will bring great pressure on individual and social, economic structures and global security.

The first Jupiter Neptune trine is of course starting around 1st December for the exact degree pass. The retrograde trine comes around 25 May 2018 at 16 degrees with Saturn also in retrograde. Saturn and Jupiter in retrograde together usually signal major economic contractions. Uranus enters Taurus 15 May signalling major instability in markets and global security in general. The final direct pass of this trine  is 18 August at 15 degrees. Saturn will be direct for the final of Jupiter at 21 degrees. The 21 degree passes of Jupiter happen either directly before or after the exact point of Jupiter trine to Neptune.

In terms of parallel time periods, we have seen a direct link in terms of planets exchanging positions for this GC/29 degree Saturn (Sagittarius) conjunct of this year and the same GC conjunct of the collapse of the Berlin Wall (previous post). Not only that, there are very similar parallels between now and the period before WW2. Uranus through Aries accelerated the advance of aerial and war technology, and the war peaked with Uranus, the upsetter, in  Taurus correlating to great instability. Taurus as a sign relates to safety, stability and security. Uranus entered Taurus in June of 1934. If any aspect can be pinned for the War, it would be Saturn in early Taurus square to Pluto in Leo into September of 1939, with things peaking to the Saturn / Uranus conjunct in Taurus of April 1942. The great conjuncts of 2020 will be in the earth sign of Capricorn with Uranus in Taurus.

Near term market speculations :

As we approach this first Jupiter Neptune trine into the end of  November, the stock markets in the US are hitting record highs and BitCoin is shooting through the roof too. This is the surge effect of the Jupiter Neptune trine. There are bound to be major corrections both to the Stock markets and BitCoin and other AltCoin markets. If there are no significant or disrupting events (Mars Uranus opposition) as we enter into December, there is a high possibility of a major correction to the Crypto markets come the Mars Uranus opposition period and Mercury retrograde  in the beginning of December.

If there is an economic event, then one could expect BitCoin to surge even higher and faster well into the first 21 degree pass into the beginning of February of 2018. However, the Jupiter retrograde starting 9 March and the Jupiter retrograde pass to 21 degrees of 6 April and that tying into the Saturn retrograde starting 17 April, will signal some major corrections and economic downturns. In short, watch what happens over the next week into the beginning of December, especially with the Mercury retrograde, and expect major economic troubles to start unfolding from the Jupiter retrograde season.

Regardless as to what happens to BitCoin and the nay sayers who call it a ponzie scheme, Cryptos in one form or another are here to stay and The Bitcoin is still the biggest contender.  BitCoin is said to be the first new asset class (Taurus) to be created (Uranus square) in hundreds of years.  The next Jupiter/Saturn seed cycle is set for 2020 with the conjunct straddling over the 29 degree point of Capricorn with the exact seed conjunct happening at 0 degrees Aquarius in a square from Uranus at 6 degrees of Taurus!  The very concept of money, representation of value and its means of exchange (Taurus/Scorpio) are going to be completely transformed. The Aquarian, smart, digital, crypto money era was impregnated into the initial Jupiter/Saturn 2000 seed cycle in that Uranus square. This growth and development will continue into the next cycle phase, which will also be very disruptive and unpredictable with Uranus square to the seed once again – the same three players of Jupiter/Saturn and Uranus – except in 2020 they exchange signs to where they were in 2000.


Juptier Saturn conjunct 21 Dec 2020
Jupiter / Saturn conjunct 21 December 2020




6 thoughts on “Cryptos and the coming Financial Meltdowns

  1. Well, I’ve long been of the opinion that NK is not an isolated, rogue state. As for QAnon – yes, I do keep up with the more interesting threads that appear on 4chan. I will believe the shit when it hits the fan. Trump isn’t exactly not part of the Deep State. This is all a warm up to Saturn into Capricorn where power factions will start fighting and consuming each other – there is only place for one goat on the top of the mnt! The ‘storm’ I guess has got to do with prosecutions and indictments – Uranium deals, corruption, pedogate etc. – if it were to happen, then this Mercury retrograde with Saturn edging out of Sagittarius (law) would be ideal. Jupiter in Scorpio gives courage and ability to deal with draining (trine) the swamp (Neptune in Pisces). Capricorn rules over judges and courts that uphold the laws laid down in Sagittarius – there is hope with Saturn’s ingress there….

    1. Thanks for the reply, I’ve been a little bit late due to work reason, I can’t wait for your December and January monthly posts. I’m grabbing my popcorn, I can’t wait til the shit hits the fan !!!! Good luck, take care, and thanks for the reply !

    1. Thanks ….. I’ve been in the process of a major relocation , so just haven’t had time . That will change soon . Every year is a big year! Jupiter retro now in Scorpio – all the dirt is coming out, memos , Crypto meltdowns and more ….. I’ll be back 🙂

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